“Color of the Prism,” a contemporary novel is based on true events in the life of the author. This realistic story reflects a blend of fact and fiction into a journey of intrigue, love, betrayal, and tragedy in this police thriller on the Arizona-Sonora border.
The story follows Tucson Police undercover agent Antonio Castenada who spearheads an investigation into the violent cartel of Reynaldo Guzman, a prominent businessman and drug kingpin.
The complexity of Castenada’s work is multiplied exponentially by the conflicts that challenge his personal and professional life as opposed to the unseemly role he plays as a cartel member. Alone in the netherworld of corruption, his decisions will impact his family life forever as he scrambles to out-maneuver Guzman and his hired assassin, Julian Espino Gatica.
“Color of the Prism” and its non-traditional ending illuminate the true world of crime and corruption unseen by most people. Indeed, it is the last color of the prism.