“The Spy Among Us” is set in Moscow, Russia. The reader follows a plot similar to the real-life intelligence hacking seen in contemporary news reports.

A wife and mother, Christie Cole’s assignment to the International Joint Terrorism Task Force takes her to the heart of espionage and murder. Working with fellow agents, she assumes the persona of a Russian, Eva Durov. As the lead agent, she is emotionally drained by data breaches that have led to the assassinations of Task Force agents, and her true character as a wife and mother.

Her dual roles are further conflicted by her relationship with Russian Army Colonel Pytor Popov. Whether as a spy or a loving wife and mother, she walks a thin line between spies and counterspies, her heartfelt love for her husband and child, and the masculine companionship of the Russian officer.

The final episode follows Christie Cole’s other assignments in “Voices in the Fog” and “The Arrows of Allah.”


A Multiple award-winning author Thomas J. Nichols has penned the second in the Border War Series. “We Were Young Once…,” follows his top-selling “Color of the Prism” in taking the reader into the depths of human and drug trafficking along the Mexican…

Partially covered by the doorframe, Eva held her position while she reached up the wall and flicked on the ceiling light. She recognized him immediately—Sergi Yozhin, a goon from Luka’s Pizza.

He wore a long-sleeved grey work shirt, cheap Russian jeans, and a similarly cheap pair of loafers. His semi-automatic pistol was pointed directly at her. He spoke in Russian. “I mean you no harm. Not yet, at least. Now—very carefully—lay your little toy on the floor. You owe me an explanation about Mr. Dedov. I was at the coffee kiosk when he went into the Didier store. ‘Personal business,’ he told me. ‘I’ll be back in a few minutes.’

“I saw you go in. Then a moving van came. After a while, you left with the whore who runs the store. But I never saw him leave. Or did he? Now,” he snapped, “put your gun on the floor.”

Eva began to stoop, her eyes glued on the Russian. 

A lecherous smile crossed his ugly face when she leaned down. He gradually lowered his gun and took a drag on his cigarette.